Publication Ethics

Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement

Energy Equipment and Systems (energyequipsys ) is a scientific and technical journal which is committed to keep the highest professional and ethical standards. In order to guarantee high quality publications, energyequipsys is guided by the following principles:

1. Publication Information

Publication Frequency: The journal is published quarterly; i.e.,   March, June, September and December of each year.

Cost of publication: Article publishing and/or submission are free of charge in energyequipsys.  In other words, there are no article publishing costs (APC’s).

Open Access: The journal provides open access to all published papers.

Manuscript submission and decision making: The submission is processed electronically through web submission system at

Only full papers are reviewed; i.e., abstracts are not considered for review. The recommended format for the submitted manuscripts is indicated in the main page of the journal at

English is the only acceptable language for manuscripts submitted to energyequipsys.


2. Editors’ responsibilities

The chief editor bears the sole responsibility for accepting or rejecting the submitted manuscript. However, in order to assure the high quality of the published work and to reach a wise and judicious decision regarding the acceptance or rejection of a manuscript, editors customarily seek advice from reviewers of appropriate expertise. Any communications between the corresponding author of the manuscript and the reviewers are made through the editors. A manuscript may be rejected without any external review if the editors determine that it does not fit the journal scope, the subject of the manuscript is outdated or lacks depth, the written English is unacceptable or any other reason thereof.  Moreover:

  • In evaluating submitted works, the editors should limit themselves only to evaluating the intellectual property and originality of the content and without any regards to race, gender, religious belief, citizenship, ethnic origin or religious belief of the author(s).
  • Once the review process is completed successfully, the editors of energyequipsys are responsible for publication of the accepted manuscript within a reasonable time frame. 
  • The editors must withdraw any submitted manuscript which breaks legal requirements such as vilification, plagiarism and copyright violations.  This responsibility extends to the post-publication period as well.   
  • The editors must guarantee that during the review process the manuscript (or any part thereof) is not disclosed to anyone except the potential reviewers, other associate editors and the publisher.  The only exception is the suspicion of double submission.
  • The submitted manuscript should not be misused for other purposes without the approval letter from the author. 
  • The editor of a submitted manuscript must not be one of the co-authors.
  • It is the editors’ responsibility not to prolong the review process, and to come up with a final decision in a reasonable amount of time as specified in the journal site.
  • The editors must avoid making any recommendations or requests to the authors for the sole purpose of promoting the journal.

3. Reviewers’ responsibilities

  • The reviewers of energyequipsys  assist the editors to make a decision regarding acceptance or rejection of the manuscript.  They may as well provide assistance in improving the manuscript.
  • The reviewers should not be selected from those who have conflicts of interest with any of the authors and/or institutions which are linked to the papers.
  • The reviewers have the obligation of not prolonging the review process excessively.  They must notify the editors immediately, in case they are unable to review for any reason.  
  • The reviewers are responsible for keeping secrecy of the received manuscript for peer review and must not exploit it for personal gain. 
  • Recommendations made by the reviewers must be based on professional conduct and objectivity.  The reviewers’ comments must be devoid of any statements which may be construed as taunting or personal criticism of the authors.
  • Any related published work that has not been cited in the manuscript must be indicated by the reviewers.  Any mention of the reviewer regarding previous reporting by others (derivation, finding, argument …) must be supplemented by relevant references.
  • Reviewers must inform the editors when there is a sizable similarity or overlap between the manuscript being reviewed and previously published documents.

4. Authors’ responsibilities

  • Those individuals who have made substantial contributions to the main concept, design, experiment and/or analysis in the manuscript can be considered as authors.  Those who have provided logistics or consulting support may be addressed in the acknowledgement section of the paper.  The corresponding author bears the responsibility of including all appropriate co-authors and excluding non-appropriate ones.  When inquired, he must also formally assure the editor that all the co-authors are aware of the submitted manuscript and have agreed to its submission.   
  • Authors reporting results of the original research should describe the performed task accurately and provide an objective account of its significance. A clear and accurate presentation of supporting data is mandatory.  Sufficient detail and references must be provided to permit others to reproduce the work. Inaccurate, falsified or deceitful statements must be avoided as they constitute unethical behavior.
  • The authors are committed to cite all the references utilized in the research.
  • The authors are responsible for obtaining copyright permission in case of using images and artworks published by another publisher.
  • All authors of a paper have full responsibility for the authenticity of their submission. Plagiarism, defined as “the appropriation of another person’s ideas, processes, results, or words without giving appropriate credit”, will not be tolerated in any form. Once its occurrence is ascertained, journal will immediately reject the manuscript, if the manuscript is in the review process, and will retract the published paper, if it has already been published.

5.Terms and conditions 

The Journal of Energyequipsys publish open access articles under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) License which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided that the original work is properly cited.

This journal subscribes to the principles of the commettee on publication Ethics (COPE) to deal with acts of misconduct. Using this principles we investigate allegations of misconduct and ensure the integrity of research.

In the event of occurrence of any scientific misconduct, fraudulent or falsified publication or plagiarism; the publisher, in close collaboration with the Editors-in-Chief, will take all appropriate measures to clarify the situation and to amend the article in question. This includes the prompt publication of an erratum or, in the most severe cases, the complete retraction of the affected work. The publisher, together with the editors, shall take reasonable steps to identify and prevent the publication of papers where research misconduct has occurred, and under no circumstances encourage such misconduct or knowingly allow such misconduct to take place.

To see our policy toward Publication Ethics please click here.